
Last book read

This page contains a list of the last english books I have read.
Most of them were bought at Joseph Gibert, 26/30 Boulevard Saint-Michel 75006 Paris. One of the most complete english book reseller in Paris that I know of.
Some others come from the George Whitman' Shakespeare Company a charming old bookshop located right in front of Notre Dame de Paris on the left bank of the Seine river (dare take a look upstairs).

For the most part, these book were randomly selected from bookshop shelves.






Personal notes

September Eon Greg Bear Vista A very intersting account on many SF subjects (time-space, aliens,...). A single regret: maybe too many subjects and zapping goes even faster during the book.
August The large, the small and the humankind Roger Penrose Cambridge U Press Enthusiastic tour guide to extremes of physics with the provocative idea that Godel' theorem implies that human brain has non-computational features, which discovery requires a new unified physics theory.
July Sundiver David Brin Bantam Spectra Science is reduced to a mere search in a billion years old Library filled by many ET species. Will mankind use this knowledge to deal with a new species encounter: the Sun Ghosts. An Uplifting Novel !
February Press Send John McLaren Pocket Books The dream of every AI researcher: transfer his soul and mind into a machine. Funny and nicely written.






Personal notes

December Being Digital Nicholas Negroponte Vintage Books Vision of the futur by the founder of the MIT Media Lab. Very clever, a must-read by anyone interested in "Let's make things better".
October Tips for Time Travellers Peter Cochrane   Vision of the futur by the head of British Telecom Research. Collection of pages, easy to read, maybe too easily. Quite poor, prefer the much better Negroponte version.
July Xenocide Orson Scott Card Legend  
June Blood Music Greg Bear Vista A biotechnic that goes wild into an incontrollable growth, but then a reflexion on how "dumb" single cells can communicate, act with purposes and create a new era.
Blue Rose Peter Straub Penguin A terrifying small novel on how cruel man can be.
May Speaker for the Dead Orson Scott Card Legend Some interesting ideas on how mankind should deal with itself faced with an alien encounter.
Platinum Blues William Deverell Mandarin Legal cases in the record industry. Pleasant light reading.
April Stalking Fiona Nigel Williams Granta Gripping, but the book is constructed as a sequence of letters and diaries. Original but slow.
Ender's Game Orson Scott Card Legend Some parts are very absorbing, but connections are rather slim, without any psychological depth for the characters. I enjoyed it.
March Animal Farm George Orwell Penguin Wonderful short cut allegory of power-corrupted human society evolution. First published in 1945.
The New York Trilogy Paul Auster Faber & Faber Boring. Prefer "Moon Palace" by the same author, see below.
February The Sparrow Mary Doria Russell Black Swan Exciting, gives you food for thought. Advice: listen to Radiohead "OK Computer" LP while reading.
The Neuromancer William Gibson Voyager I got trouble reading it. My poor english showed.
January Shooters Terrill Lankford Forge Thriller in the pornographic film industry. Easily forgotten.






Personal notes

December Pop Corn Ben Elton Pocket Books How TV, violence, fame and lawyers rule the american way of life. A must-read by every american citizen.
November Moon Palace Paul Auster Penguin An "exciting" account of the life of an helpless but touching guy.
October Acid House Irvine Welsh   Novels on the despair associated with drug abuse. By the author of Trainspotting. Hard to read.
September Spares Mickael Marshall Smith Harper Collins A very good idea: cloning to have spare human parts ready for transplant. Is it still Sci-Fi ?
Mental Case James Neal Harvey St Martin  
June The Lost World Michael Crichton Arrow Gripping but not moving, as usual with Crichton.
Blood Rights Mike Philips Penguin  
May Mindfield William Deverell Mandarin  
The Tailor of Panama John Le Carré Coronet Very disapointing.
April Rush Kim Wozencraft Mandarin A descent into a narcotic undercover police squad. A true story.


Some books by
- Michael Crichton: The Andromeda Strain, Congo, Sphere, Rising Sun, A Case of Need.
- Tom Clancy: Without Remorse, Patriot Games, The Hunt for Red October.
- Issac Asimov: Robots and Empire, The Naked Sun, The Rest of the Robots, Earth is Room Enough, Puzzles of the Black Widowers...

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